I would like to donate

$50 could pay for a starter cleaning pack $ 50
$100 could pay for a cosy rug $ 100
$250 could pay for crisp new bedding and sheets $ 250
$500 could pay for a fridge $ 500
$30 could pay for a personal toiletries pack $ 30
$50 could pay for a starter cleaning pack $ 50
$50 could pay for a starter cleaning pack $ 50
$100 could pay for a cosy rug $ 100

Your Information

Credit card details

Accepted cards
Visa Mastercard American Express

You will be billed $0 per month until you cancel the subscription.

How did you hear about the Furnishing Futures Fund?

I would like to dedicate this gift to: (please write the name of the person you would like to dedicate your gift to)

Total: $0

This amount will be billed to your account today and once a week thereafter. Total annual amount: $0 This amount will be billed to your account today and once a fortnight thereafter. Total annual amount: $0 This amount will be billed to your account today and once a month thereafter. Total annual amount: $0 This amount will be billed to your account today and once a year thereafter. Total annual amount: $0

St Patrick's Community Support Centre
12 Queen Victoria Street, Fremantle WA 6160